Circadian Rhythm Off Beat: Parkinson’s and Nighttime Neuron Damage
Updated: 2023-09-29 21:16:07
: Circadian Rhythm Off Beat : Parkinsonâ s and Nighttime Neuron Damage Featured Neurology Neuroscience September 29, 2023 Summary : Researchers delved into the enigma of sleep disturbances and their relation to Parkinson’s disease . Utilizing fruit flies , they found that cellular stress linked to Parkinson’s was especially damaging to neurons during . nighttime This breakthrough might lead to a deeper understanding of the disease’s correlation with our body’s internal clock . The findings also hint that our circadian rhythms potentially provide a protective shield against neuron . degeneration Key : Facts Parkinson’s disease might be more linked to nighttime neuronal . stress Using fruit flies as a model , the study revealed more neuron damage when exposed to stress during nighttime .